When it comes to health and wellness, no one doubts that positive lifestyle choices result in lower health risks. Yet, many businesses don’t realize the impact a Detroit corporate wellness program can have on their company. These programs can positively influence their employees, workplace culture, and bottom line.
Research shows that health and wellness programs do encourage healthy behaviors. Additionally, they help employees create lasting healthy habits. What’s more, you can easily incorporate these programs into your Detroit break room services. Or even start them together to encourage healthy eating!
Here are three perks you can expect to see with a Detroit corporate wellness initiative.
Employees Know You Care About Their Health and Wellness
Providing a Detroit health and wellness program shows your employees that you care about their wellbeing. By doing this, you encourage positive lifestyle choices and employees experience fewer health issues.
Additionally, employees involved in corporate wellness programs tend to opt for healthier food choices. Help them succeed with fresh food options in your Detroit micro-market. Having better-for-you options in the break room is the ultimate convenience to staying on track!

Productivity Levels Increase
Another Detroit corporate wellness program benefit includes its impact on employee productivity. See, when an employee doesn’t feel well, it results in more sick days. Therefore, having healthier employees leads to less days of work missed due to illness! So, the productivity increase alone makes it worth it to adding a healthy vending machine in your Detroit break room.
Another fun idea is to create group activities such as lunchtime yoga or an after-work walking club. What’s more, these actives are a great way to create excitement to drink plenty of water! Be sure to incorporate a Detroit water filtration service in with your refreshment service. That way, your employee’s can stay hydrated and focused all day long!
Workplace Satisfaction and Morale Boost
Health and wellness programs add a lot to your employee benefit package. They can also have a huge influence on their workplace satisfaction. These programs show employees that you consider them part of the team and want them to remain happy and healthy. After a time, it not only influences your employee satisfaction rate, it changes your workplace culture. Employees feel appreciated and cared for and, in turn, work hard and remain loyal.
A Health and Wellness Program = A Win-Win for Everybody
To learn more about building a health and wellness program in your refreshment services, visit American Vending or call 248-935-1844 today!