Explore services and products that can
create a richer break room experience
in the Metro Detroit Area

Experts in creating quality break room refreshment and vending programs

Refreshment is at the heart of break rooms that draw in employees and encourage new ideas.

Explore your options

Convenience with a micro-market

A small, self-checkout store open to employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week, full of top-selling food and drink brands. Offering flexible payment options to shop, scan, pay, and go!

Explore convenience

Vending Services

Our vending services feature the most popular brand-name snacks, beverages and treats to keep employees engaged and productive throughout the workday.

Enhance your vending service

Superior coffee and teas

Serving the Detroit Metro Area Workplace

We’ll customize your Brew Center program with top of the line products and brewing equipment

Discover a better brew

State-of-the-art technology

Our wireless product management technology yields a better customer experience.

Build a better experience

Healthy programs

With today’s variety of healthier items, you don’t have to sacrifice flavor while eating healthy.

Our healthy programs offer a variety of nutritious selections customized for you.

Promote healthy

Let American Vending know how we can best serve your Detroit Metro Area Workplace
at (248) 935-1844 or info@americanvendingllc.com

Get the best