The concept of providing employees with a variety of refreshments has been around for years and is one of the break room topics we will discuss. Providing a space for employees to relax and converse, or grab a quick snack or meal is increasingly important. Break rooms are more than just a place for employees to unwind, brainstorm, increase productivity, and foster community. They are a place where employees can fuel their bodies with nutritious snacks, beverages, and meals.
When determining whether your Metro Detroit break room meets your employees’ needs, consider the following break room topics: what your employees need or want, the physical space, and the menu.
Employees Needs and Wants
The first place to look for an answer to this question is among your employees. It will not only help clarify what your employees enjoy doing when they are not at their desks, but it will also aid in the creation of a list of food and beverage preferences, allergies, and dietary requirements. Inviting employee feedback shows them that their opinions are valued and appreciated.
The Physical Space
Whether your break room in Metro Detroit is large or small, it must be welcoming. Comfortable seating should be available to support various activities such as eating meals, reading, collaborative work or just relaxing.
The energy of the room also influences the experience employees will have when entering the room. Colors, textures, lighting, seating arrangements, layout, plants, and overall organization of the room are important.
Access to microwaves, a sink, a refrigerator, and coffee machines, as well as supplies such as utensils, plates, and napkins, will encourage employees to leave their workstations. Plus, they can enjoy meals together coworkers, allowing them to build relationships.

The Menu
Metro Detroit employees leave the office during the day to get a bite to eat or a cup of coffee. This can lead to a decrease in productivity. The significance of providing the right combination of snacks, cold beverages, fresh food, and coffee service in the break room becomes even more apparent.
Better-for-you options must be available in addition to traditional snacks and beverages. Fresh food, fruits and vegetables, yogurt, granola bars, nuts, filtered water, and flavored sparkling water reduce food comas, prevent dehydration, and keep employees feeling their best.
The menu’s final selection should include coffee and tea service. It could include espresso-based drinks, nationally recognized brands, local roasters, and a variety of hot teas. Include creamers, nondairy creamers, sugar, and sugar-free options.
The final break room design and menu should reflect both the needs of your Metro Detroit organization and the refreshments your employees enjoy. Not sure where to start? American Vending can assist you. Please call us at (248) 935-1844 for more information on updating your break room or creating a new, customized menu.