How to Choose Between Vending Machines & Micro-Markets For Your Metro Detroit Area, Southfield, or Rochester Hills Break Room

Metro Detroit Snacks & Drinks | Southfield Vending Machines & Micro-Markets | Rochester Hills Office Refreshments

Vending machines & micro-markets both have a positive impact on employees. Namely, morale and productivity lift. The top-selling products entice staff and keep them well-fed and hydrated. Both Metro Detroit break room solutions are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no cost for vending services or micro-markets. So how do you decide which is the right one for your office break room?

Let us guide you through the decision process to find the right fit for your office break room.

Vending Machines & Micro-Markets: Classic vs. Modern

Vending Machines have long been a staple in Southfield break rooms. Whereas, micro-markets are a newer solution. Here’s how else they stand apart:

Vending Machines: The Classic Convenience

Vending machines have always offered quick and easy access to snacks, beverages, and even fresh food. Their design is compact, so they can fit easily into hallways and any size break room in the Metro Detroit Area. The products inside are packaged and ready to eat. They are best sellers from major brands and local favorites. This makes drink or snack vending a great choice for your staff. They can use the Southfield vending machine to meet mid-morning cravings or afternoon pick-me-ups.

Micro-Markets: A Modern Alternative

Metro Detroit Break Room Solution | Southfield Staff Perks | Rochester Hills Vending Machines & Micro-Markets

On the other hand, a micro-market is a newer, more open concept. Chips, candy, and snacks aren’t behind glass, but on modern-looking shelves or racks. Drinks and fresh food are in glass-front coolers that are easy to open and browse. It’s a self-service, mini store right in the break room. The extra room lets Rochester Hills micro-markets carry a wider mix of fresh and healthy options than vending machines. This can boost employee wellness.

Staff love browsing the micro-market and talking to co-workers in the new, fun space. Plus, the technology keeps paying easy and offers an up-to-date feel in the break room.

Finding the Perfect Fit

So, how do you decide on vending machines or micro-markets? There are a few factors to consider that will make it easier.

Employee Preferences

First, find out what employees would like. Survey your staff about their snacking habits and needs. Are they looking for healthier options? Or do they prefer classic snacks and sodas? That can help steer you towards one solution over another.

Space Constraints

Second, take a look at your Rochester Hills break room space. Is it tight quarters? Vending machines are often more compact and can fit into smaller spaces. Micro-markets can be small but usually need room to have the desired effect.


American Vending offers both options at no cost to you. However, as your company grows, will you want to subsidize the refreshments? We can put a vending machine on free vend. But a micro-market works even better. You can choose to pay for some stocked items or give employees an open-market allowance. This gives staff options while letting you stick with a budget.

Customing Options

While we hand-pick the options in a Metro Detroit vending machine to match your staff’s tastes, there are only so many slots. That means many similar products across vending machines. It’s great news for being consistent. But if you want local or unique items, a micro-market might be better. The food cooler has room for gourmet salads full of seasonal greens and high-end artisanal sandwiches. Personalizing break room products can boost employee satisfaction and engagement.

Both Vending Machines & Micro-Markets Mean Success

At American Vending we know it’s vital to provide your team with great refreshment options. Whether you’re interested in vending machines or micro-markets, our staff is here to assist you every step of the way. We’ll find the right break room solution to satisfy your team.

Contact us today at (248) 935-1844 to learn more about our no-cost solutions. We’ll guide you to finding the perfect fit.

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How to Bring Coffee Shop Vibes into Your Detroit, Southfield, and Rochester Hills Break Room

Detroit Food Market | Southfield Coffee Shop | Rochester Hills Employee Experience

Ever thought about transforming your Detroit break room into a coffee shop? Coffee and work do go hand-in-hand. Plus, cafes are where connections and conversations happen. Coffee shop vibes can elevate the employee experience in your break room. It can also improve staff satisfaction, boost collaboration, and increase retention.

So, how can you make this happen? With a bean-to-cup brewer! Here’s how a Southfield bean-to-cup coffee machine easily turns break rooms into workplace cafes.

Coffee Shop Sounds and Smells

Visiting a coffee shop is an experience for the senses. You hear beans being ground. You smell the aroma of fresh, high-quality coffee. American Vending’s bean-to-cup brewers bring this experience straight into your break room.

How does it work? First, bean-to-cup brewers use whole beans, grinding them fresh for each order. Thus, employees can hear and smell fresh coffee being made. They can also order specialty drinks with the touch of a button. This type of Rochester Hills office coffee service is like having a coffee shop without the need for a barista!

Options for Every Employee

No two employees are the same. Therefore, your coffee shouldn’t be either. Our bean-to-cup brewers make a wide variety of specialty drinks. For example, with a few taps, enjoy lattes, cappuccinos, and more. They even make hot cocoa, a perfect hot drink for non-coffee drinkers.

Want even more drink options? Ask American Vending about our trendy teas and water filtration service. From green tea to herbal infusions, we have a great variety to boost your coffee bar. Or, install a filtration system in the break room to remove particles and chemicals in the water. This improves the flavor of hot drinks. It also tastes great a cool, refreshing glass of filtered water that promotes hydration and employee well-being.

Detroit Single-Cup Coffee | Southfield Vending Service | Rochester Hills Office Water

Promote Collaboration with Coffee Shop Conversations

Folks love chatting over rich, premium coffee. Coffee shop vibes encourage employee connection and collaboration. Quality coffee draws more employees into the break room. While there, they can catch up with coworkers. This fosters deeper relationships. Employees who get along work better together!

Want to improve meetings? Offer delicious coffee and tea! Caffeine is an instant pick-me-up. Employees who feel energized can brainstorm better.

Additional Coffee Shop Perks to Consider

No café is complete without tempting treats. American Vending can stock your Detroit vending machines with the perfect pastries. Or, offer more selections with a Southfield micro market. This option lets employees buy fresh foods and savory snacks 24/7. It even has healthy options. Plus, we can customize a menu for your staff’s unique needs and preferences.

Make sure your break room has plenty of comfortable seats too. Offer puzzles and games, so employees can engage in some friendly competition. Consider adding Bluetooth speakers, so your team can play their favorite, work-friendly tunes.

We’ll Turn Your Break Room into a Café

Ready to elevate your break room? Contact American Vending today! We have everything you need to transform your workplace into a café.

Call us at (248) 935-1844. We offer office coffee, vending, micro market, and water filtration services. We look forward to speaking with you!

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Micro-Markets: A Game-Changer for Metro Detroit, Hamtramck, and Taylor Businesses

American Vending Detroit Micro Markets

Micro-markets are the new game in town when it comes to break room solutions. They drive up employee satisfaction with a mix of fresh and trendy items. That includes healthy options that support staff wellness goals. Plus, they are fast and easy to use. American Vending micro-markets are open 24/7 with credit-card-taking kiosks that boost any Metro Detroit, Hamtramck, or Taylor break room.

A compact food retail setup with no need for oversight, a micro-market is a new take on vending services. American Vending has the know-how to install micro-markets in the Metro Detroit Area. That way your company can reap the rewards of this office break room option.

What are Micro-Markets?

Picture mini grocery stores right in the workplace. That’s Hamtramck micro-markets. The retail space is unattended, using a self-checkout kiosk for purchases. This lets your team browse the hundreds of products, including meals and cold beverages, any time of day. From fresh sandwiches to sweet snacks, a micro-market has options for everyone’s tastes.

It’s fast and easy to use the micro-market kiosk. The touch-screen walks staff through the purchase and payment. It even accepts credit cards and mobile wallets. Micro-markets are the one-stop-shop for your staff during the busy work day.

How Micro-Markets Offer Variety and Freshness

Gone are the days of limited options and stale snacks. Today, Taylor micro-markets provide a wide array of fresh and diverse food items. There’s something to meet every craving and diet. Staff can grab a hearty salad for their work lunch. Or perhaps choose a yogurt, fruit smoothie, or bottle of iced coffee for a quick-me-up during their shift. Having choices makes your team feel included, valued, and happy.

A Solution Tailored for Health

American Vending Detroit Micro Markets

At a time when thoughts of health are at an all-time high, micro-markets are the ideal solution. The products stocked inside are already fresh and full of goodness. Furthermore, the open space allows for a greater variety. There are gluten-free treats, organic beverages, vegan jerky, protein-packed granola, and more. The mix of good-for-you items in a micro-market shows the employer cares for staff well-being. Your team feels supported and is more likely to make healthier choices during breaks.

Go further with a subsidized micro-market. You can pay for all the products, or just some to be free for your staff. Just want to lower the prices of healthy snacks and drinks? American Vending can work with Metro Detroit micro-market locations to make that work. We want to custom-make a solution that meets your needs.

Grab-and-Go Convenience

Time is precious. That is especially true during hectic workdays. That’s why the micro-market grab-and-go design is so vital. It streamlines snack, food, and drink shopping so no time is wasted. There are no lines to wait in or vehicle traffic to wade through. It’s a way to refuel quickly without having to leave work.

Will Micro-Markets Change the Game in Your Break Room?

A micro-market isn’t just a plus in the fast-paced business landscape of Metro Detroit. It’s a strategic perk that helps the bottom line. In Hamtramck and Taylor break rooms, it gives staff access to fresh, diverse, and healthy options. It’s fast and easy to use. Opting for one in your break room means putting employee well-being first and focusing on morale, which will boost productivity. So why settle for the status quo of beverage vending machines or snack machines? Instead, elevate with a micro-market.

For micro-markets, office water, coffee service, or any break room need, reach out to American Vending at (248) 935-1844. Our expertise is bringing useful and easy refreshments to Metro Detroit area break rooms. Let us turn yours into an employee perk.

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Top Metro Detroit, Oak Park, and Taylor Office Beverages Besides Hot Coffee

Metro Detroit Office Beverages | Oak Park Cold Brew Taps | Taylor Coffee and Tea

The first thing many employees do each morning is look at the office beverages and grab their favorite. For most, that’s a steaming cup of hot coffee, but not all. More than half your staff wants something else to drink. Are you offering that in your Metro Detroit break room? We can help ensure you are.

Here are the top three office beverages consumed in the workplace:

1. Iced coffee

Iced coffee is refreshing and provides a boost of energy. It’s a popular alternative to soda. Plus, it can be less acidic than hot coffee if it’s made from cold brew coffee.

To get iced coffee in your break room, American Vending can add a high-end cold brew tap or iced coffee machine. It’s part of our Oak Park office coffee service. It’s also a great way to encourage employees to celebrate and talk together. Iced coffee has a fun vibe, yet is nonalcoholic.

Not ready for a cold brew tap? Instead, add canned or bottled cold brew and iced coffee options in a cold drink vending machine. Or better yet, in a Taylor micro market. Micro markets offer a lot of room for different drink options. Beyond cold brew, we stock many healthy snacks, fresh food, and daily essentials, too. That makes a micro market an employee retention tool.

2. Water

Employees are reaching for water more and more. Water is the best way to hydrate. It has no calories, sugars, or additives. It helps your body replace water lost during the day and boosts health. Plus, there is even research that shows it can stabilize your mood. Our Metro Detroit vending machines have bottled water for refreshing sips at any time.

3. Tea, the Most Overlooked of Office Beverages

Metro Detroit Vending Service | Oak Park Healthy Snacks Options | Taylor Office Beverages

One of the most popular office beverages is tea, especially iced tea. Some brewers can make it fresh for the office. Or, you can request bottled iced tea options in your cold beverage vending machine or micro market.

Hot tea can be a strong alternative to coffee for many employees. One reason is health. Green tea especially is high in antioxidants, which may help prevent or remedy cellular damage.

Another reason some staff may choose tea over office coffee is the caffeine. Or lack thereof. If Oak Park employees are sensitive to caffeine or looking for a late afternoon drink choice, they might want tea. Herbal teas are often naturally caffeine-free.

American Vending Brings a Mix of Office Beverages to You

The right mix of office beverages is a cheap and easy benefit to offer employees. It means going beyond office coffee, however. Try iced coffee, water, or tea to meet the needs of all your staff. That will help them be more productive and happier.

Don’t miss out on better employee morale over a couple of drink options. Contact American Vending to bring in Taylor’s most popular office beverages and all your other break room needs. We’ve got service you can count on and products you want. Reach us at (248) 935-1844.

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Sip, Celebrate, and Savor: Metro Detroit Area Beverage Vending Machines Have All Your Favorite Drinks Inside

Metro Detroit Break Room Solution | Hamtramck Beverage Vending | Oak Park Employee Benefits

If you’re thirsty, we have a treat for you. American Vending beverage vending machines are full of tantalizing options. Refresh with classic soft drinks or healthy beverages. Need some energy? We have drinks full of caffeine to give you a boost. No matter whether you are in the Metro Detroit Area, Hamtramck, or Oak Park, we have beverage vending to beat your craving.

Beverage Vending Machine Choices

There’s a world of flavor inside every Metro Detroit vending machine. We have choices to match the tastes and preferences of employees and customers alike. Check out all the options brought to you by American Vending:

Soft Drinks Galore

Quench your thirst with beloved classics. Think Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sunkist, Vernors, Squirt, Sprite, and more. From the dark fizzy snap of cola to the zesty citrus punch of lemon-lime soda, there’s a drink for all to enjoy.

Healthy Hydration

Win the hydration game with nutritious drinks for your office break room. Reach for one of our many flavors of canned or bottled water. It is a great office water option whether sparkling or still.

Need a fruity fix? Try V8 Fusion or Minute Maid orange juice for a burst of vitamins and flavor. Don’t forget fruit juice blends for a tasty change. Or try a top-selling SoBe tea.

Energize Your Day

When you need a pick-me-up, our energy drink selection has you covered. Power through your day with the great-tasting energy of Powerade, Gatorade, or Red Bull. These drinks let you get ready to tackle any task with renewed vigor.

Tea & Coffee Delights

Metro Detroit Micro Markets | Hamtramck Office Drinks | Oak Park Beverage Vending

Whether you like the smoothness of tea or the bold kick of coffee, we have break room solutions. Indulge in the smooth flavors of Arizona or Brisk iced tea from the Oak Park vending machine. Or refresh with the taste of Lipton green tea which can also boost health.

For coffee fans, we have Metro Detroit office coffee to swoon over. Enjoy rich blends of Nestlé or the well-known comfort of Starbucks. Look for iced coffee options in the Metro Detroit micro-market too.

Beverage Vending Machines With Your Choices

We believe in putting the power of choice in your hands. That’s why our Hamtramck vending machines are fully customizable. This allows you to tailor the drink menu to your preferences. Perhaps you’re a devoted fan of a national brand. Maybe you’re eager to explore new flavors. Either way, we are glad to make it happen.

American Vending brings you beverage vending machines full of the drinks you crave, from soda and healthy options to sports drinks and iced teas. Create a custom drink menu that’s unique to your location and that staff will love.

Contact American Vending at (248) 935-1844 to sip, celebrate, and savor your way. We offer  modern cold beverage machines perfect for Metro Detroit Area, Hamtramck, and Oak Park break rooms.

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5 Ways to Make Your Metro Detroit, Oak Park & Taylor Break Room a Valuable Employee Benefit

Metro Detroit Employee Benefit | Oak Park Corporate Culture | Taylor Kiosk

Want to make your workplace even better? Try updating your Metro Detroit break room so it’s more than just a place to eat lunch, but a perk for everyone! That way it can even help increase morale and boost retention. Here’s how to upgrade your break room for an employee benefit your team will love.

Give It a Makeover

Does your break room need a refresh? Give it a makeover! A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference, and it’s an easy fix that can be scheduled for over the weekend. Also, think about adding some plants to the break space. This not only makes the room look better but also helps clean the air, making it healthier to breathe. Overall, plants bring a bit of nature inside, making it a happier and more vibrant workspace. A few simple touches will go far!

Break Room Benefit: Micro-Markets

Say goodbye to vending machines and hello to a Oak Park micro-market! It’s like having a small store right in your break room. You can find all sorts of snacks, drinks, and even fresh food. This makes it easy for everyone to find something they like, and it’s healthier too! This is one employee benefit that everyone at the office will thank you for.

Use It for Group Activities

Make your break room a welcoming place for gathering and getting to know each other. You could have meditation sessions during lunch or talks about money management. It’s a great way for everyone to learn something new and bond with their coworkers. This can benefit your team by helping them feel supported both in and outside of work. The result? Happy and healthy employees!

Metro Detroit Beverage Vending Machine | Oak Park Office Perks | Taylor Fresh Food Benefit

Celebrate Wins at Work

Let your team know when they’re doing a great job! You can put up messages in the break room for work anniversaries or when a team hits their goals. You could even give them micro-market credits or free vend vouchers to buy snacks as a reward. Who doesn’t love free food? Showing appreciation for your team is a small touch that can make a big impact.

Coffee Benefit: A Corporate Cafe

Upgrade your office coffee game! Instead of just one type of coffee, offer a variety of options. You might consider single-cup coffee machines that brew coffee by the cup so everyone can get the blend or brand they want. Having different coffee choices can make mornings (and afternoons) better. And great Taylor coffee service is a benefit that everyone can get behind.

Use a Service Provider Who Cares

One of the most overlooked ways to better use your break room is to switch to a high-quality break room service provider. By teaming up with a company like American Vending, you can make sure your break room stays modern and fresh. We’ll keep the Metro Detroit vending machines full and take care of all of your break room needs. That means less stress for you and more benefits for employees!

So, why wait? Give your Metro Detroit, Oak Park, and Taylor break room a boost today and see the benefits for yourself! Contact us at (248) 935-1844 to learn more. We can’t wait to work with you!

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Celebrate Vending Services in Metro Detroit, Oak Park, and Hamtramck During National Food Vending Month

Metro Detroit Micro-Market | Hamtramck Vending Services | Oak Park Office Break Room Solutions

It’s National Food Vending Month, and that means American Vending is excited to celebrate by highlighting our vending services. Especially how they bring convenience to workers throughout the Metro Detroit area. Our vending machines are stocked with a wide mix of tasty options, making it easy for you to cater to your cravings with a fast, easy, and delicious choice from your office break room. Let us show you why vending with us is the perfect solution for your snacking needs!

Offer Natural Ingredients and Local Favorites

At American Vending, we know the quality of ingredients is important to you. That’s why our Oak Park food vending machines are filled with healthy snacks and meals made from natural ingredients you love. You’ll find crispy carrots, fresh salads, dairy options, hard-boiled eggs, and lots more.

Find products from well-known national brands inside Hamtramck vending machines. But that’s not all. As a proud Metro Detroit company, we also source local snacks and even drinks for our cold beverage machines. Having all these options is how we can cater to everyone’s tastes in one break room.

Around-the-Clock Benefit of Food Vending Services

There are many reasons vending services are great for your team, with one of the biggest being their 24/7 availability. With Oak Park food vending machines, your staff can enjoy access to delicious meals even when working late nights or weekends. The vending machine reduces time away from work and stops your team from being “hangry,” making this a win-win solution.

Quick Refreshments and Custom Choices

Metro Detroit Office Break Room | Hamtramck Office Healthy Snacks | Oak Park Vending Services

Our vending services treat your team to quick and easy access to office snacks, food, and drinks. American Vending will create the ideal vending services for you from our array of options. It’s easy to create a custom vending menu.

Don’t want to limit your choices to what fits in a vending machine snack area? Consider a Metro Detroit micro-market. This open-concept vending service means there’s more room for your favorites. That includes healthy options, indulgent treats, fresh foods, sports drinks, cold brew, sparkling water, soda, and more. It’s a great way to boost the perk of vending services for your staff.

Treat Employees to Convenience with Vending Services from American Vending

Metro Detroit vending machines offer fast, tasty refreshments. This ensures your staff can enjoy a meal, snack, or drink without needing to leave work. It’s easy and a great value. And there are plenty of options, especially when you upgrade to a micro-market.

Contact American Vending for a better break room experience today. We have break room solutions from food vending machines to micro-markets. Let us get the vending services you need stocked and ready for staff. Call us today at (248) 935-1844.

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Why Metro Detroit, Hamtramck, and Oak Park Micro-Markets are the Perfect Office Perk Your Team Will Love

Metro Detroit Micro-Market | Hamtramck Fresh Food Perk | Oak Park Office Snacks

Trying to find a great perk for your team can be tough. The good news? American Vending has got you covered! We offer custom micro-markets. That means you can fill your Metro Detroit break room with snacks and drinks your employees will love. Here’s everything you need to know!

A Perk With Tons of Tasty Snacks

Get an upgrade from your Hamtramck vending machine! Our Oak Park micro-markets have all sorts of snacks to choose from. Whether you’re into classic goodies or healthier options, there’s something tasty for everyone. Think chocolate, chips, spicy nut mixes, granola bars and more.

Plus, a micro-market offers a variety of fresh food options for lunch. Inside glass coolers, the grab-and-go food is extra easy to browse and ingredient check. We stock everything from salads and sandwiches to dairy and protein-packed meat snacks! Your team will thank you for the new addition to your Metro Detroit break room service!

Endless Beverages to Choose From

Thirsty? Micro-markets have room for more than just the top soda flavors in cold beverage vending machines. Instead, there are tons of drink choices. Plus, we offer new options all the time. You can grab brand-name cold brew coffee, energy drinks, or flavored sparkling water. There’s something for every taste. And that’s a perk that employees can get behind!

Metro Detroit Oak Park Vending Service | Hamtramck Office Coffee Perk | Oak Park Employee Benefit

Add This Perk to Your Coffee Service

Don’t worry about how our micro-markets fit with your coffee setup. We can make it happen for you! This break room style goes perfectly with traditional coffee machines. It can even be used with single-cup and bean-to-cup coffee service. That means you can enjoy your favorite brew alongside your snacks.

Make your office awesome with a Hamtramck & Oak Park micro-market and give your team a perk to smile about at work. Contact American Vending today at (248) 935-1844 to learn more about how we can upgrade your break room. We’d love to work with you!

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Why Your Micro-Market Needs Office Coffee Service in Metro Detroit, Hamtramck, and Oak Park

Metro Detroit Office Coffee Service | Hamtramck Office Vending Machine Snacks | Oak Park Office Break Room

Micro-markets AND office coffee service? At first glance, they seem to be far apart in terms of break room solutions. However, that’s what makes them a powerful combo. Custom-designed on-site stores full of options go hand in hand with gourmet brews that keep staff energized. It’s why this pairing is growing more popular with Detroit, Hamtramck, and Oak Park businesses looking to enhance the employee experience.

Micro-Markets: The Step Up in Metro Detroit Vending

Micro-markets have changed workplace snacking. The open design uses racks that can be filled with a range of office snacks, from sweet to savory. A Metro Detroit micro-market will also have a glass-front cooler full of the fresh food, beverages, and grab-and-go options employees crave. This includes healthy snacks!

Being self-serve, micro-markets are always open. Your team will love the convenience. Plus, the kiosk takes the latest payment types, including mobile wallets. It’s an engaging way to shop in the office break room that will wow employees compared to traditional vending service.

The Next Level: Office Coffee Service

While micro-markets offer an array of food and drink options, office coffee can boost it even more. American Vending offers a range of office coffee service types well suited to all work settings. They include:

Traditional Equipment:

Using a coffee brewer that makes a whole pot at once is ideal for large groups. That means if your office drinks lots of coffee, this Oakpark office coffee service type is right for you. The coffee machines that American Vending places are reliable and efficient. Plus, we deliver pre-measured ground coffee that makes it easy for any of your staff to brew a pot of coffee.

Single-Cup Office Coffee Service

For those who want a more custom Hamtramck office coffee experience, try single-cup. These coffee machines brew coffee one cup at a time. That gives your team lots of flexibility. Each person gets to choose their own flavor of coffee and brew it to their desired strength and taste.

Metro Detroit Break Room Solutions | Hamtramck Office Coffee Service | Oak Park Vending Service

Enjoy the Benefits of BOTH

Businesses don’t have to choose just one type of office coffee service. American Vending can create a program that offers the benefits of both coffee pots and single-cup. It’s a great way to meet the needs of everyone in the office. In addition, we offer break room supplies. Get your stir sticks, creamers, sweeteners, cups, napkins, etc. delivered along with your office coffee.

Put Micro-Market and Office Coffee Service Together Today

Office coffee service added to your micro-market is simple yet effective. One offers snacks, food, and drinks. The other gives the coffee experience your staff craves. With American Vending, you can get both. We’ll give you a refreshment solution that keeps your staff energized and engaged. That boosts productivity and spirits in your Metro Detroit, Hamtramck, and Oak Park workplace.

Reach out to American Vending at (248) 935-1844 for morale-boosting break room services in the Metro Detroit Area. Whether it’s coffee for the office or vending machine snack options, we have solutions. And you’ll get grateful employees who love their workplace.

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3 Reasons Why a Metro Detroit, Hamtramck, and Oak Park Coffee Service Will Improve Your Office

Office Coffee Metro Detroit | Hamtramck Vending Machines | Oak Park Office Hot Tea Service

A Metro Detroit coffee service is a workplace must-have. Why? For starters, Drive Research reports that three out of four Americans drink coffee. Thus, it’s likely that most of your team consumes it. Secondly, coffee drives productivity. That’s because it helps employees stay energized. As a result, they’ll always work at their best. It also supports workplace wellness and coworker relationships.

Here’s a deeper look at the ways coffee service can improve your Hamtramck break room:

1. A Coffee Service Supports Workplace Wellness

Did you know drinking coffee in moderation benefits your health? Yep, that’s right! Some studies say drinking two to five cups daily might lower your risk of diabetes. It may also prevent depression, heart disease, and certain cancers. Coffee can also prolong your life.

However, not everyone is a coffee fan. Therefore, get a Oak Park tea service too. Many teas still have caffeine, which will keep staff energized. Plus, many offer other health benefits, such as green tea which is packed with antioxidants. Don’t want caffeine? Herbal teas are the answer. They are full of ingredients that can improve health.

American Vending offers both tea and coffee services. Ask us about our delicious roasts and trendy teas!

2. Promotes Coworker Connections

Metro Detroit Micro-Market | Hamtramck Break Room Coffee Service | Oak Park Office Refreshments

A productive workforce starts with happy employees. Coworkers who feel close work better together. Thus, it improves office culture. Promote deeper connections with a coffee service. How? Add a Metro Detroit single-cup brewer to the break room. Employees can enjoy gourmet coffee on-site, including their favorite flavors and blends. About 20% of workers leave the office to make coffee runs. With single-cup service, they’ll enjoy coffeehouse vibes without leaving! Thus, this brewer saves them time. Employees will enjoy leisurely breaks and conversations with fellow employees.

Want to take your coffee service up a notch? A bean-to-cup brewer does the trick! It makes coffee and specialty drinks. For example, users can make lattes or cappuccinos. They’ll also enjoy the smells and sounds of a café. This enhances the break room experience, so your team will be happy, alert, and focused. This leads to sharing new ideas and better collaboration!

3. A Coffee Service Pairs Perfectly with Other Perks

When it comes to fantastic employee perks, an office coffee service is the icing on the cake. It pairs well with Hamtramck subsidized micro-market which offers discounted prices in your break room. Employees can grab fresh food and healthy snacks from these mini-stores. Micro-markets have countless options. Enjoy your coffee with a breakfast bar or some chocolate!

Our modern Oak Park vending machines are great with office coffee too. The snack vending machines are stocked with chips, granola bars, candy, popcorn, and other products your staff will love. It makes them a great snack solution for coffee breaks.

Improve the Employee Experience with Coffee Service

Ready to inspire staff and bring them together? Is it time to brew up some new ideas? Contact American Vending today! We have everything you need to get the office coffee service you want. From premium coffee brews to refreshing hot teas, you can make staff happy.

Call us at (248) 935-1844 for more information. We’re excited to hear from you!

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